My Voting Record
I’ve got a proven track record of delivering results for our region and I’m running to continue the fight for rural values.
We need practical, common-sense solutions to make Vermont more affordable, create job opportunities, and keep our communities safe. Like Senator Starr, I am dedicated to working for our region, not the party. As co-chair of the Rural Caucus, I've demonstrated my ability to work across the aisle, listen to all voices, find common ground, and move forward together on issues that matter to our rural communities.
I oppose policies that harm our district, regardless of party affiliation:
This year, school spending across Vermont surged by $189 million, driven by inflation, the end of federal pandemic aid, rising healthcare costs, and school construction projects. While our schools need support, skyrocketing property taxes are pushing residents to the brink. This trajectory isn’t sustainable, which is why I voted against the property tax increase bill. Vermonters simply can’t afford it, and the bill failed to include necessary reforms to control costs.
What about the votes early in the session?
I opposed the final version of the bill because the property tax increase was still too large, and it lacked essential cost-control measures. However, I’m not someone who just says 'no' for the sake of it. I roll up my sleeves and engage at every step in the Statehouse.
The Yield Bill is a 'must-pass' piece of legislation that sets the tax rates necessary to fund voter-approved school budgets. Without it, our schools couldn’t function. Early on, I supported advancing the bill to keep the process moving and create opportunities to fight for improvements, like lower tax rates and better cost containment.
When those efforts failed, I voted against the final version and backed the Governor’s veto.
While I support our state’s commitment to building a more sustainable energy future, I voted no on the Renewable Energy Standards bill, because it could increase utility rates for Vermonters. As we transition to a renewable energy economy, we must ensure that the needs of low-income, rural, and marginalized Vermonters are prioritized.
I’m committed to studying all options to make informed decisions, but I will always vote no on anything that’s a bad deal for rural Vermont. In 2023, the legislature passed S.5, the Affordable Heat Act, to explore ways to reduce energy costs while meeting emissions goals. This bill does not raise fuel prices, impose a carbon tax, or mandate heating changes.
In 2025, lawmakers will review the study and decide whether to move forward. Early estimates suggest fuel prices could rise by $1 to $4 per gallon if the Clean Heat Standard is implemented, but it can’t move forward without another legislative vote.
I’ll fight to make sure it’s not adopted if it raises costs for Vermonters, and I’ll continue working to protect our communities from policies that increase expenses.
I support policies that are good for our district:
In 2021-2022, as a member of the House Energy & Technology committee, I championed broadband investments to bring affordable, high-speed internet to every household in our region.
We’re facing a statewide housing crisis and increasing threats from changing weather. I supported the Act 250 modernization bill, a historic agreement that reduces regulatory barriers to build more housing and strengthens community resilience, especially in rural areas.
I worked with the Governor on a bipartisan housing bill (H.719), and many of its key provisions—like tax credits for new construction and home rehabilitation—were included in Act 250. We also secured funding to revitalize old apartments, repair manufactured homes, and build affordable housing.
As co-chair of the Rural Caucus, I fought for amendments ensuring all towns can grow, including full Act 250 exemptions for housing in downtowns and village centers.
While we’ve made meaningful progress on Act 250, our work isn’t done. I’ll keep fighting to protect our rural landscape and address the housing crisis for a sustainable future.
I led efforts to reform Act 250 to remove regulatory barriers for our farms and wood product manufacturers. The reforms allow farms to diversify and add accessory businesses—like farm stands or using products from other farms—without needing to go through the Act 250 process. For wood product manufacturers, we reduced permitting costs and lifted limits on hours of operation, making it easier for businesses to expand and stay competitive. These changes support sustainable growth, allowing operations to thrive at the right scale for both the current and next generation.
Tax cuts for families, seniors, and military retirees provide vital financial relief, helping to ease the cost of living and ensuring a fairer tax system. I supported the creation of the Vermont Child Tax Credit, providing $1,000 per year for each qualifying child under five. The bill also includes a deduction for student loan interest, raises the income threshold for untaxed Social Security benefits by $5,000, and exempts $10,000 of military retirement income from taxes. I’ve long supported fully eliminating the tax on Social Security benefits and will continue to push for this change. This will help lower middle-class taxes and provide crucial support to our seniors.
More and more companies are creating barriers—legal, physical, and digital—that prevent consumers from repairing the products they own. For Vermont’s loggers and farmers, this can mean waiting days or even weeks for an authorized technician. I was the lead sponsor of H.81, the right-to-repair bill, which requires manufacturers of agricultural and forestry equipment to provide the necessary parts, tools, manuals, and diagnostic materials on fair and reasonable terms, so our farmers and loggers can fix their equipment without unnecessary delays or costs.
For too long, our education funding formula has shortchanged students who require more resources, such as those living in rural areas or in poverty. I championed Act 127 to reform Vermont's funding formula, adjusting student weights to ensure local districts have equitable tax capacity to meet diverse student needs. This reform is especially beneficial for high-poverty rural communities like ours, helping provide better opportunities for students while promoting fiscal fairness across the state.
I believe everyone should have the right to make personal decisions about their reproductive health—whether to become a parent, use birth control, or seek an abortion—without political interference. Attacks on these rights at the federal level continue, threatening access to contraception, abortion, gender-affirming care, IVF, and more. I proudly voted for Proposal 5, enshrining reproductive freedom in Vermont's constitution, and as your Senator, I will keep fighting to protect these rights for future generations.
We passed this bill to help parents get to work and ensure kids are ready for school, with even the business community backing it to address workforce challenges. I fought to make sure the bill works for our region, including making the eligibility process accessible for the self-employed and increasing reimbursement rates for home-based providers, which are essential in rural Vermont. The 0.44% payroll tax, shared between employees (0.11%) and employers (0.33%), makes childcare more affordable—families earning $50,000 contribute just $55 a year, saving an average of $24,000 annually. Already, over 1,000 new childcare spaces have been created across the state, including in the Kingdom, where local providers are expanding their services and investing in improvements to better serve families.
EMS services are struggling to meet rising demand due to staff shortages, volunteer declines, and inadequate reimbursement rates. After hearing from our community about the financial, workforce, and governance challenges EMS faces, I worked with local partners to introduce and pass H.622. This bill increases Medicaid reimbursement rates to provide immediate support and ensure emergency care is available when needed. It also sets the stage for system-wide reforms to improve efficiency, ensure quality care, and reduce overall costs.
Our roads and bridges are vital for work, business, and accessing essential services, but they've fallen into disrepair. The gas tax and DMV fees fund maintenance, yet fees hadn't been updated since 2016, and highway costs rose 26% in 2022 alone, leading to a Transportation Fund deficit. To address this, we updated DMV fees—raising driver’s license fees from $30 to $36 and increasing vehicle registration by $15—while still keeping Vermont’s fees among the lowest in the Northeast. These modest adjustments help ensure our infrastructure remains safe and reliable for everyone.
To ensure our legislature reflects the real-world experiences of everyday Vermonters, we need to make serving in the Statehouse more accessible. Currently, legislators earn around $13,000 a year with no benefits, limiting who can afford to serve. A bill proposed raising the salary to $35,000, closer to Vermont’s median income, so more qualified, diverse candidates—like farmers, small business owners, and parents—can run for office. A worrying trend is that seven first-time candidates are running unopposed in the House, and 50 incumbents face no challengers. Without competition, voters miss out on different viewpoints, and unqualified individuals may step into office. A more competitive legislature means better representation and stronger decision-making for all Vermonters. The bill did not pass.
I supported Act 148 to modernize Vermont’s corporate tax system, making us more competitive and encouraging investment. Moved to a single-sales factor for calculating corporate income tax. This change benefits companies that invest in Vermont but sell products and services out of state, as their tax burden will now be based solely on in-state sales. This reform ensures that large corporations pay their fair share, generating $20 million annually to fund public services without raising taxes on families.
Moving Forward
We face big challenges. We need practical, common-sense solutions and experienced leaders who will put our needs first and know how to get things done. I’m ready to move up to the senate to continue to fight for our rural values.
I’ll fight to:
Make Vermont more affordable through tax cuts for the middle class and lowering costs for housing, childcare, and healthcare
Keep our communities safe
Protect public education while reigning in costs
Safeguard individual freedoms and the rural programs essential to our way of life
Whether you identify as conservative, moderate, independent, Republican, or Democrat, I want to earn your vote. I’ll always represent everyone in this district- regardless of party. Together, we can build a Vermont that works for everyone—one where people can live, work, raise their families, and retire with dignity.
Want to learn more? Read more about my plan to address affordability here.